per Gabriela Santos
The increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from human activities is leading to unprecedented global warming, with significant consequences for the environment, the economy and society as a whole. To address this global problem, international leaders meet regularly at the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COPs have been the stage for important milestones in the fight against climate change, such as the Paris Agreement, reached at COP21 in 2015, when the global objective was established to limit the increase in the global average temperature to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. This year, COP29 will take place, promoting discussions on accelerating the energy transition, collective climate finance targets, and the implementation of NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) in countries.
Not only because of the pressure to reduce GHG emissions discussed at the COPs, the topic is gaining even more strength in the business sector in light of the evolution of the agenda ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance – Environmental, Social and Governance), where companies are in a race to implement actions linked to carbon management in its operations, with the disclosure of risks, design of goals and strategies, transparent publications, and the concern to avoid the famous greenwashing.
Within this “carbon journey”, There is no single path or linear trajectory. Because different themes and initiatives can arise from sectoral needs, consolidate and become common, permeating different markets. Thus, Assessing an organization's maturity in terms of carbon management is not a simple and unchangeable task. Without a prior diagnosis, planning and decision-making are difficult.
The Eco+ Foundation is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP), established and maintained by BASF, and has been working as a consultancy for 19 years to support companies in their search for more sustainable paths. Thinking about helping organizations in structuring Carbon Management, Eco+ has been developing and publicly disseminating materials on its social networks, such as the Carbon Ebook, holding discussions via podcast, participating in the creation of content for specific courses, and has just launched the “CarbonBOT”, a tool in chatbot with the aim of facilitating self-diagnosis on the topic.
The goal is to join forces in building a low-carbon economy, helping organizations diagnose their own maturity in Carbon Management, presenting content in a simplified way and indicating suggestions on how to reach a mature level in this management based on knowledge of common practices that have been adopted and consolidated in the market as a whole. Continuing the content presented in the Ebook, the tool's questions are divided into 5 stages: Diagnosis, Measurement, Reduction, Compensation and Innovation. Based on the responses, the organization's positioning (beginner/intermediate/advanced/mature) is presented at the end, in each of the stages, with tips and suggestions if necessary.

In a context of capitalism stakeholder, considering that climate change is no longer just a prediction, but a reality, the business role is fundamental in identifying the multiple impacts and implementing actions to avoid negative consequences. According to the guide “Good practices for an ESG agenda in organizations” by the IBGC published in 2022, the following are essential points for senior management: understanding the implications of the impacts arising from climate change on the business model, how to adapt and how ensure that the organization is prepared to assess, monitor and track these effects.
- 👉 Want to understand more about the topic and learn about the main stages of the carbon journey? Access the Carbon Ebook available on the Eco+ website.
- 👉 Are you interested in learning more about the tool or doing an evaluation using CarbonBOT? Click here and access the tool.
If you have any questions or are interested, please contact us!