Eco+ Foundation



Generation Z: It is “cringe” not to adopt sustainability in business

Geração Z É “cringe” não adotar sustentabilidade nos negócios

Just like their predecessors, generation Z, is revolutionizing the market, dictating new business models and what becomes “cringe” or not, in addition to valuing the concept of sustainability.

In recent months we have witnessed some debates that were born on the internet and ended up gaining strength outside the networks. An example of this is the discussion between millennials and generation Z about evaluating whether a certain action or taste is classified as “cringe”. For example, eating breakfast or liking Harry Potter makes you “cringe” for generation Z. But what is the relationship between all this and sustainability?

The answer is simple, in fact it is the evolution of the perception of the millennial generation that began a process of change with no return. Generation Z brings a new perspective to investments, to their consumption and brand choices, which directly impacts the path that brands and their businesses are putting into practice today.

It is a generation that, like its predecessors, the millennials, brought a revolution to the market and a trend to brands. They dictate new business models and what becomes “cringe” or not and value the concept of sustainability, selecting brands based on the authenticity of their environmental actions, their social responsibility, transparency and ethics.

It can be seen that, without a shadow of a doubt, generation Z and the next generations are and will be dictators of new consumption habits, trends and creators of new markets and businesses. Following this scenario, companies and investors around the world are adapting their businesses to meet the demands of new consumers. So, I ask, what has your organization done to embark on this wave and not become “cringe” by not addressing purpose or sustainability in your product?