Eco+ Foundation



How can future trends help us reduce environmental impacts?

Como as futuras tendências podem nos ajudar a reduzir os impactos ambientais?

According to the PWC report cited in the Webinar “How can future trends help us to reduce environmental impact?”, promoted by ProTerra with the participation of ECO Space Foundation, there are 5 Global Megatrends that influence the mobilization and co-creation of solutions in the face of the challenges and opportunities that these same megatrends bring. Are they:

  • > Shift in global economic power
  • > Demographic Change
  • > Acceleration of Urbanization
  • > Scarcity of Resources
  • > Climate Change and Technological Advances

These trends are driven by macroeconomic and geostrategic aspects and influence both business and society in general.

Elements of traceability, digitalization, design thinking, big data, circular economy, among others, can be highlighted as key elements for effective change towards reducing environmental and socioeconomic impacts.

As an important case, FEE has been developing studies for the company Cargill since 2015, applying a methodology for assessing environmental and economic impacts of the life cycle of products (Eco-Efficiency Analysis – AEE) of the agro-industrial chain. These studies found that the packaging production stage has the greatest contribution to the total environmental impacts of the life cycle of the tomato paste product. Therefore, the company contracted a new study with FEE, focused on analyzing a possible change in the type of packaging – from steel to plastic.

In this new study, the challenges were both system modeling (considering circularity indicators that take into account different end-of-life destinations of these packages, for example), and communication from the moment environmental and economic benefits were found. in changing the packaging, since a trend practiced in recent years by the population, and even governments, has been to avoid or question the use of plastic packages.

In the study, it was possible to demonstrate that the fact that the new tomato packaging is reusable makes a lot of difference in terms of environmental impacts, however this information is often not known to the general public and demands assertive engagement and communication actions so that in practice this better environmental performance is confirmed. In this way, Cargill's communications and marketing area worked to engage and raise awareness among its consumer audiences about the environmental benefits found in the analysis.

After monitoring the environmental impacts of Elefante brand tomato products for four years and understanding the benefits brought by AEE studies, the company expanded the analysis to the entire portfolio of tomato products, allowing new ideas and improvement projects to be implemented.

Future trends can help reduce environmental impacts, as sustainability is increasingly seen from a holistic perspective, considering ESG criteria and no longer separated into three independent pillars. However, when we observe a strong trend in consumer behaviors and habits, as is the case with these movements “against” plastics, the fundamental role of evaluating, based on robust and scientifically based metrics, different scenarios and situations becomes even more evident. , as was carried out by FEE with Cargill. It is increasingly risky to make decisions and choices without technical basis, which is why FEE has solutions based on internationally accepted methodologies, which will help your business make the best decisions to build a sustainable strategy.