Eco+ Foundation



What is Socio-Eco-Efficiency?

O que é Socioecoeficiência

Before we understand the socio-eco-efficiency, we need to understand…

What is eco-efficiency?

Eco-efficiency is a management philosophy that encourages the business world to seek environmental improvements that simultaneously enhance economic benefits. It focuses on business opportunities and allows companies to become more environmentally responsible and more profitable.
It encourages innovation and, therefore, growth and competitiveness.

As defined by the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development):

“Eco-efficiency is achieved through the offering of goods and services at competitive prices, which, on the one hand, satisfy human needs and contribute to quality of life and, on the other, progressively reduce the ecological impact and the intensity of use of resources throughout their life cycle, until they reach a level that at least respects the estimated carrying capacity for planet Earth”. In short, it’s about creating more value with less impact.

In Brazil, this concept has been gaining strength following the creation of the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development – CEBDS, which brings together large corporations and whose mission is to promote sustainable development in the business sector through the concept of eco-efficiency.


To choose a product, we need to have criteria. But what to take into account to make a good choice? The concept of socio-eco-efficiency can help. The socio-eco-efficiency analysis considers three factors: social, economic and environmental. A more socio-ecoefficient product or service brings quality of life, meets needs, has a low environmental impact and at the same time has more affordable costs.

What can I do?

Know the life cycle of products – which is the way they are produced, transported, sold… – from the extraction of raw materials to use and disposal. This way, we will have an idea of the impacts at each stage and will be able to make better choices.

Which product is most socio-ecoefficient?

To measure socio-efficiency it is necessary to consider environmental, economic and social impacts. A product may be more ecological, but be expensive. Other times it is cheap, but causes environmental or social damage. To assess socio-eco-efficiency, the environmental, social and economic impacts of similar products must be weighed.

Fundação Espaço ECO helps your business measure environmental impacts – throughout the life cycle of your products and services – to support decision-making that optimizes processes, differentiates your portfolio and promotes sustainability in your value chain.